duminică, 9 noiembrie 2014

About the project...

The "Young enterprises" project is a multilateral youth exchange under the "Erasmus +" Programme which will be held in the town of Eforie Nord, Constanta county, Romania between 7 to 17 November 2014.

During 9 days (excluding travel days), 32 young people aged between 18 and 25 years and 8 leaders without age limit from 7 different EU countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey) will meet together in order to exchange experiences, to learn and to focus on actions on promoting the entrepreneurship spirit.

Each country will be represented by 4 young participants aged between 18 and 25 years and 1 group leader no age limit, except Romania, which will include into the national group 8 participants (18-25 years old) and 2 group leaders.

The main objective of this project is the to increase awareness of the need to develop the entrepreneurship spirit and to increase the level of knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship for 40 young people aged between 18-25 from the 7 participating countries (Bulgaria, Italy Latvia, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey).

The activities included in the project support the project objectives; thus, they argue the active participation of young people in generating ideas for entrepreneurship using methods of non-formal education, youth involvement in the set up of companies and creating business plans, promotion of participatory attitudes of young people to develop ideas to increase the participation of youth with fewer opportunities, and promoting the "Erasmus +" Programme. 

Specifically, during the youth exchange we aim to simulate the setting up of new companies and to create a realistic business plan for each company. Thus, the activities of our project meets the needs of young people: the access to information, the needs for involvement and active participation, tolerance, solidarity, awareness of the importance of developing entrepreneurial initiatives in the current economic climate, the needs to have a job.

The non-formal working methods that are proposed in the activities are designed to support the promotion of active citizenship among young people, to develop a participatory attitude, to support reflection, to promote tolerance, to support the integration of intercultural differences in the creative process and support the common understanding between young and cooperative and creative process. The non-formal working methods included are diverse; these include verbal and non-verbal communication, visual communication and also, written communication.

Also, at the end of the project, the young people whom will participate in the exchange will receive a Youthpass certificate. This will recognise the acquired skills through participation in this project.

Our hosting organisation...

“Initiative Sociale” Association is a NGO that has been created in July 2012 from the founders wish to produce changes in youth mentalities and to motivate the young generation to cooperate for a better society and to motivate them in taking initiative.

"Initiative Sociale" is an association of young people and its mission is to promote and implement non-formal programs for the young generation.

It founders are dynamic and ambitious young people, from different academic backgrounds like Tehnical University of Construction Bucharest – the Faculty of Constructions, 
University of Bucharest - the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work and University Ovidius from Constanta – Faculty of Law. Two of them are also certified as Trainers in Social Entrepreneurship and have all necessary information regarding the conception of a business plan.

They also have a vast experience regarding participation in international projects like: Youth exchanges Action 1.1., Cooperation with partner countries Action 3.1.a, Cooperation with partner countries – Training and networks Action 3.1.b, and Training program and networking Action 4.3. and they also have experience being involved in local projects.

Our objectives and mission are to create and develop national and international youth exchanges, programs to promote European partnership among young people, professional development of European standards and practice, to organize summer schools and conferences to promote social initiatives among young people, to create and develop different programs regarding orientation and professional counseling.

We would also like to implement activities that can generate capital and jobs for young people, to create and develop project for community development, especially for rural community development and to create and develop projects for the European Voluntary Service.

We would also like to concentrate on promoting social economy and social entrepreneurship; we would like to offer support and provide technical assistance to young people who want to start a business, especially the social businesses initiatives. Also, we would like to provide support in creation and development of programs for democracy among young people and will promote the concept of Active European Citizenship.

Another objective is to create partnerships with private companies, NGOs and public institutions to create projects for community and social initiatives among young p